Friday, December 31, 2010

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Today we leave 2010 behind and take a step in the future, 2011.  I look back at 2010 to remember the good things that happened, learn from the bad things, and put closure to the ugly things.

THE GOOD - This year I finished my first semester of my Master's program with a 4.0 and entered into my second semester.  I took on a new role at work which I really enjoy.  My job and the people are great.  In May, my husband came home for R&R from Iraq and finally in August was home for good.  That was the best part of 2010.  We traveled several places this year.  My daughter and I traveled to Colorado in July to see one of my childhood friends.  Thanks to the power of Facebook I was able to find her and we have been in touch ever since. The family went to Minnesota to watch Vikings play Cowboys. Seeing my Vikings beat Dallas in person was a highlights of  2010.  Our trip to California for Thanksgiving was filled with memories as we visited with family, reconnected with old friends, and looked back at my childhood.  I saw many good friends from the Fx days and also revisited my grandparents home where I grew up. Kids are doing good in school and are healthy.  What more can you ask for?  Hubs was finally reunited with his kids this Christmas when they came to visit.  All of us had so much fun playing games, rocking out on Rock Band, and opening gifts.  Husband and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary and that in itself is the best part of 2010.

THE BAD - The top spot goes to my daughter who decided to go for a joy ride without a licensed driver and wrecked the truck.  Not a fun time but a lesson learned for her.  After huge fines, insurance, and a court appearance, she won't being do that again.  No one old me the teenage years were the hardest.  I've learned a lot about letting go to allow to grow.  A very hard lesson to learn.

THE UGLY - the winner is.......hubby's deployment to Iraq.  Although it started in 2009, it was still was very definitely present through most of 2010.  Sure it could have been a lot worse.  It was still ugly and not something you look forward to repeating.  Glad it is behind us.

So there you have it.  My Good, Bad, Ugly for 2010.  As I write this I am realizing that 2010 was a good year.  Many more good things happened then bad.  Time to move forward into 2011.