Friday, January 29, 2010

The Techno Blame Game

I'm studying Educational Computing and Online Learning. We do a lot of discussion about technology and education. Using technology in the public school setting is not an easy task and today's students utilize technology like the previous generation use a pencil. It is an intrinsic and natural tool for them. Sharing information is the norm and collaborating with others is how you get things done.

We talk alot about how public schools are missing the mark. Many schools block the very web tools that students use or need to learn for the real world. Adults in general, parents included, fail to teach how to navigate the technology. Instead they block it. Deciding that if they can't access it then that will protect them. Protect them from what? Themselves? Evil People? What happens when these kids are on their own and have no knowledge or self-discipline to protect themselves? Do we not teach how to drive before letting them loose with a car? Do we not teach how to be safe when playing outside or going out? Why is this any different?

It is easy to place blame on sites like Facebook (FB) or MySpace (MYS). However these sites have policies and recommendations in place to promote privacy and safety. Unfortunately many adults ignore these and even worse allow their children to ignore them. Meaning they either allow their children to violate the policies or they don't teach appropriate internet use. Did you know that both FB and MYS have minimum age requirements? Why? Probably because it does take a level of maturity to participate appropriately on social networking sites. Did you know that it is illegal to post hurtful, harassing or bullying comments? Do you know how to recognize bully or predatory behavior? Do you know what intellectual property is? There are many concepts of internet safety and online citizenship that need to be taught. Today student need those lessons and they need the guidance from the adults in their life. Why is it so important?

This story and many like it are why?

Cyberbullying Blamed for Teen's Suicide - ABC News

This kind of stuff just pisses me off! When parents and other adults don't teach kids how to appropriately use the web and monitor what is being done things like this happen. It's not FB or MYS that is the problem. Know the rules of internet usage, rights, responsibilities, and privacy.

Just telling kids not to go there or do that isn't enough. They have to be able to use the tools and yes, that means if your adult then you will have to do some work. Work to teach them how to use the tools. Tell them what is expected. Sit with them. Oh here is a hard one ROLE MODEL. If the adult can't be appropriate on a site then how do you expect the child to be? They watch and read everything you do?

Be mindful of age. Just because an older sibling has something that doesn't mean the younger sibling has to have it. Certain things come with age. They need to earn the privileges. Low performance in school may mean no FB.

Here is the kicker. When they cross the line or do something inappropriate. Done! Adios! If they can't handle it, then they're not mature enough..take them off.

I know what a shocker. If this pisses you off too bad. Truth hurts.

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