Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In Amazement - Deployment Daze 252

I have had the most amazing day ever!  To say it was perfect is an understatement.  It is amazing how the little things can make a day. I had a blast from the past and look to the future.  Today I found a long lost friend and my son was recognized by the president.  How cool is that?

I found my BFF from childhood today on Facebook and we got to talk.   I can't believe it.  It had been almost 30 years since we seen each other last.  The wonders of technology. It was so much fun.  Planning on going to visit her this summer.

This afternoon, my daughter and I attended my son's 5th grade graduation.  I can't believe he will be in middle school next year.  Well, we're sitting there enjoying the ceremony.  Listening to the various awards being handed out to him and other students.  The kids sang some songs and there was a cute presentation of all the activities from the whole year.  It was a great ceremony.  As it was coming close to the end, the principal announces that they are presenting the President's Award for Educational Excellence.  She explained the criteria and described the certificate signed by the President of the United States.  I'm thinking to myself that is pretty cool.  As she reads the names the audience is applauding.  Then she says my son's name.  I'm amazed.  Not that he isn't capable but just the honor of it.  We were so proud.  He received a signed letter, certificate an pin.  What a great surprise.

As I was taking it all in, I was so thankful and appreciative.  I am thankful for the school, teachers, and principal.  I don't think people realize how big of a role they play in helping a child be successful.  My son excelled because of the school he was at. I wish that all kids could have that opportunity.  I wish that education wasn't no low on most people's and the nation's priority list. 

In addition he had a strong support system at home that emphasizes school comes first and rewards hard work and success. Is it easy? No!  It takes a lot of work, to keep up with grades, homework, helping to study, enforcing consequences, and the list goes on.  I wish that all kids could have that as well.

To my honey, I really missed you today.  It really emphasizes your absence when great things happen and I can't share them with you.  Oh how I had wanted you to be at the graduation today.  You would have been so proud.  Of course, M, had the audience rolling.  All the kids just couldn't stop saying how awesome M is.  Especially the little ones.  I know I have bitched about KS and especially JC, but I have to admit it has been a blessing for the kids.  I'm realizing that sometimes there is a rose among the thorns.  You are the best man ever and I love you with all my heart. Oh by the way, I would like to go to CO to visit my friend.

Play Safe, Play Smart

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