Friday, July 30, 2010

Redeployment Delirium - Deployment Daze 317

Don't mess with a woman on the edge!  What edge?  The edge of redeployment...which also means the edge of insanity.  What's wrong with me?  I have Redeployment Delirium.  It is a form of delirium brought on by the slow torture of waiting for your husband to redeploy home. 

Delirium: A temporary state of mental confusion. Characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech. A state of uncontrolled excitement or emotion.

I have experienced everyone of these symptoms.  I was wondering why my words, ringing clear in my head, would get all twisted up and come out a complete mess.  I sound like a blabbering idiot have the time.
The closer the possible return date approaches the worse the delirium becomes.  Although I don't feel anxious, there is a feeling of tension in the air.  I don't know how to explain it, except that there is a change in the energy surrounding me.  The kids feel it.  The dog senses it.  I notice that everyone is just a little on edge.  Tempers are shorter, emotions are higher and my dog is acting a fool.  It seems like there has been a shift in the cosmic force of the universe.

Of course what has led me to this state of mind is the damn Deployment Curse (Curses).  Everyday it is something. Some little thing that doesn't go just right.   If this deployment doesn't end soon my husband may have to come visit me in a psych ward (not a crazy house type, but more like a resort/spa type). Add to that the limbo that you are forced to endure as you wait.... and wait.... and wait for this unknown, date and time.  Knowing it is getting close, yet not knowing "officially" when.  No way to make plans.  No way to let anyone know.  No wonder we're all going crazy.

Sadly, there is no cure for this ailment.  No quick fix.  No pill.  It is has run it's course.  So I face everyday with hope and faith as each one brings me one step closer to the end.  Closer to normalcy.  Until then..... DON'T MESS WITH A WOMAN ON THE EDGE!!

To my honey, I'll let you know if my address has changed to the "Military Wives Nut House Resort and Spa".  When you get off the bus come get me, ok?

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