Sunday, October 4, 2009

Touchdown - Deployment Daze 18

Sundays are my favorite day during the fall for one reason. FOOTBALL! I love professional football. I enjoy it even more this season because I am playing in a fantasy league. So far I have been doing well. Although I'm not the leader, I'm not the caboose either. I am tied with many of the other players in the middle of the pack. This season could be perfect. Vikings could go to the Superbowl and win, and my hubby home to enjoy my victory. That is the one thing missing. Not having him here to razz about how his team is horrible and my team is great.

Sunday is also the day I receive my motivational quote/thought for the week. This week's was very appropriate for my life this year.

Life is a series of experience, each of which makes us bigger even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grief's which we endure help us in our marching onward.”
Henry Ford

So I went down the list and looked at what I had done this year. Between the move, school and deployment, I have definitely experienced life sometimes reluctantly

Life Is an Experience, So . . .
by William Arthur Ward
Think a new thought; accept a new responsibility; memorize a new poem.

Try a new recipe; plan a new adventure; entertain a new idea.

Learn a new language; blaze a new trail; enjoy a new experience.

Make a new fiend; read a new book; see a new movie.

Climb a new hill; scale a new mountain; launch a new career.

Find a new purpose; fill a new need; light a new lamp.

Exercise a new strength; grasp a new truth; practice a new awareness.

Add a new dimension; encourage a new growth; affirm a new beginning.

Discover a new answer; envision a new image; conceive a new system.

Dream a new dream; chart a new course; build a new life.

Open a new door; explore a new possibility; capture a new vision.

Start a new chapter; seek a new challenge; express a new confidence.

Write a new plan; turn a new page; follow a new direction.

Watch a new program; be a new person; radiate a new enthusiasm.

To my honey, thank you for providing the opportunities to experience life. Although at time it has not been easy and I had my moments of meltdown, it has made me grow in many ways. Your calm resolve and support has been my anchor when things were dark and stormy. What an adventure.

Side note: So sorry about your loss today, Denver 17 Dallas 10 (giggle)

Play Safe, Play Smart

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