Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Day is Done - Deployment Daze 4

If you haven't noticed I reworded my blog title a little. I thought Deployment Daze was more fitting and a humorous play on words. Although nothing is humorous about this experience. Yet! Well I'm in Day 4 and I'm still trying to manage the day to day functions. I wonder if I'll ever feel "normal" again. I did finish my two homework assignments that were due. Got some laundry done with the help of my wonderful daughter. And even enjoyed some football. Still not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I'm really feeling overwhelmed by everything and thinking that this p/t job is one too many.

Anyway the best part of the day was getting to see and chat with my hubby. Wow, the power of technology. It made me really appreciate all the hard work of technology gurus such as Gates, Jobs and the others that have followed. Thank you goes to the inventors of Skype and all the other technologies that allow us to SEE and TALK to our love ones oversee. I wonder if they knew what an impact they would have on lives when they were inventing in their garages. What a difference it makes! So thing are looking up. I don't think I have any more energy to spend going the other direction.

To my honey, it was so good getting to finally see you. It really lifted my spirits to be able to chat with you and talk football. Although I still have moments that I want to cry, I'm slowly being able to work through those. It is comforting to hear that you enjoyed some football and some Baskin Robbins. Everyone hear is doing fine. Football still isn't the same without your random shout outs. Can't wait to Skype again. With all my heart.

Play Safe, Play Smart

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